Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Christmas with Phil and Lyndel in Nice, France

We had a great Christmas Day (actually the 23rd Dec) with Phil and Lyndel in the beautiful Nice in the south of France - yes Nice is nice!!! We enjoyed some beautiful weather and we loved our cute French apartment. We whipped up a yummy Christmas dinner of chicken and pork with apple sauce and vegetables followed by some German Christmas cake - stollen. We were very proud of our little Christmas Tree which we even managed to decorate using sticky tape and individually wrapped swiss chocolates and some tinsel aquired by some nifty sneaky work by Lyndel.... We had a reading of the Christmas story of Baby Jesus and then $10 secret santa presents. Caleb took it upon himself to be santa and hand out the presents when he saw that everyone else was taking too long!! He pulled it off perfectly as no one ended up with the present they had bought - top work santa!!

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