Monday, April 20, 2009

Liam Will Boardman

Welcome to the world Liam Will Boardman. Born 15/4/09 @ 11:45pm. 3.3kg and 48cm at RPA Hospital.

Caleb was excited and a bit nervous to wake up on thursday morning to a new little brother. Kate and Liam came home friday morning and we are really loving being a family together! Praise God for his abundant blessings!!!


Anonymous said...

Welcome Liam!
Congratulations big brother Cal!
Enjoy this precious gift Ben & Kate!
Love you lots.

Anonymous said...

Well done guys.
Ben, you need to update the heading on your blog now.

Mim said...

Congratulations Ben & Kate! Liam is absolutely gorgeous. What precious sons you have. Looking forward to seeing more photos! =)
God bless,

Kylz said...

Wow that went quick!
Congratulations guys! He's lovely.

Love Kylie, Dale, Keyala and India

Naomi said...

He is gorgeous! No surprises there :) Congratulations!