Sunday, February 11, 2007

Caleb Roy Boardman - 8/2/07

Hello all!!!
We would love to introduce to you our new baby boy, Caleb Roy - born 10:30pm on thursday 8th February, 3.45kg and 50cm. Mum and baby are recovering well and we have been so blessed through this whole experience - Kate's labour was relatively short (though extremely painful) and we have somehow managed to find ourselves in our own room with a double bed so ben can stay at the hospital!

Please pray for us as we figure out how to be parents and seek to bring Caleb up to know and love Jesus as Lord. Pray also that he and Kate might recover well and that he might develop and grow well too!!!

we'll put more details and photos up as time goes on..


Lisa V said...

Congratulations Guys!

That's wonderful news!

Naomi said...

YAY!!! That's Brilliant!!! Who would have thought... another Boardman boy ;)

Phill & Sarah said...

Well done team boardies! We are so pumped for you guys!

your pack is having a great time over here!

D and M said...

Dudes! Great work! Congratulations, with love and prayers.

Kylz said...

Congratulations Kate and Ben! He's so cute! Quick tip - Keyala used to stop crying and fall asleep to static on the tv when she was a tiny baby. A bit random but you might be able to use it.
BTW. I'm due to have a sister for Keyala in May!
Love Kylie

Elizabeth M said...

so so lovely...
welcome to caleb!
precious little boy.
love and prayers

liz mc