Sunday, February 10, 2008

more zoo

Our last fad was bushwalking and now it's zooing - expect a lot more of these funny guys!!


We are now friends of the Zoo and can go anytime we want - Yay!!! We've already been twice and are off to Dubbo zoo this week so be prepared for more zoo photos to come!!


Earnshaw Christmas fun in the blue mountains. Yes more bush walking (can't get enough of it!!), lots of eating, curious amounts of shopping, more eating, presents, eating - hmm did we do anything else?? Oh yes lots of laughing at babies. Lots more photos of this occasion to come i have lost them right now but we seem to have missed Mel in this lot - she was behind the camera... Oh we loved hearing about African adventures from Mum and Dad - it was great to have them back with us for Christmas.

Swan's visit

The Swan's came to visit us in the Blue mountains and we had a great time bushwalking (yes more bushwalking), eating and playing an epic game of Pictionary (which i believe Team Simon/Kate won although others may remember it differently!)

Too Cute!!

Cousin Sal doing an investigation of her foot - yep it's all there!! Hi Sal -we love you!!!

Wacky Hair!!!


We have now moved into our new college house in Newtown (more photos to come) which is far away from the serenity of the mountains but close to yummy eating places, some really nice parks, lots of great friends, the zoo, the beach (kinda), and the fun and excitement of the city as well as many other adventurous and wonderful places. We have done lots of things to our new house (building shelves, removing doors, painting, mounting our bird Herbie in the stairwell etc...) and are growing to love it. We have also started at our new church in Surry Hills which is great. Still a few weeks till college starts proper but we are starting to get a feel for life in Newtown and the year ahead.

More Bushwalking in the blue mountians

We loved the blue mountains and the blue mountains loved us (well we're assuming they did...). Ah the peace and serenity, the birds and the trees, the waterfalls and the stars - thankyou oh mountains that are blue.