Saturday, October 06, 2007

Piggy Wiggy The Movie (staring Caleb Boardman)

Bronte to Bondi

We went for a beautiful walk along the cliff tops from Bronte to Bondi on a glorious sunny Sydney Saturday (no we are not trying to make non-sydney-siders jealous...but do come visit more!!). Cal enjoyed being in his new backpack (thanks ebay!) and he even had a sleep in there - wow that was unexpected!! Another beautiful day enjoying God's great creation.

Hey look at me!

Hey I'm a big boy now so I face forward in my car seat - and I love it!! Mum reckons it will stop me from sleeping in the car because there is so much to see, but i say "bah hum bug to sleep!!". I'm almost 8 months old - gee when did that happen!

Trip to Balmoral

Mel, Deb, Cal and Kate went for trip to Balmoral Beach on Friday and it was great!! It was lovely to catch up with Mel and bask in the spring sun - how delightful!! Sadly the wind deterred us from swimming (opps what happened to 'you never regret a swim!') but we enjoyed fish & chips and a walk and then a pizza dinner -YUM all in all a great day - thanks guys.

Making Puppets

Bek Earnshaw and Deb Earnshaw (A last name so good that everyone has it!) came over the other day to tackle Alfred the puppet that has been in bits in our lounge room since last Dec! I've been meaning to make Alfred the puppet for a year so it was great to have some other keen puppet makers to do it with. The two charming fellows that appear in the photo are Bek's puppets that she made previously (very cool!!) - so no we wern't amazing productive... The slightly less puppet looking creature in the back of the photo (no not Deb the one without eyes...) is Deb's puppet to be - hmm still a bit of work to be done, we'll keep you updated... hopefully before Dec 2008