Friday, July 20, 2007

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Check out my knitted items!!

My friend Kate (from Dapto) is a very talented knitter and I'm reaping all the benefits!! I am currently sporting a smart little blue number with a cute collar (see photo) and I have a number of other jumpers waiting for me to wear when i get a bit bigger.

Thanks Kate!!! Love Caleb

Monday, July 09, 2007

Caleb went bushwalking

First camping and now bushwalkig we can't stop this little fellow! Caleb enjoyed his first bushwalk up the Fort on Magnetic Island - who wouldn't when you are being pushed or carried all the way! It was quite a walk for a pram but luckily Tim and Katrina lent us a sturdy 3 wheeler and that was able to make the distance up the bumby track until right at the end when Cal got a ride in the pouch with Dad to climb up the last section. Lots of fun - maybe next time caleb will be able to walk himself!

Animals on Magnetic Island

Check out the Australian Wildlife we meet on Magnetic Island - pretty cool!

Magnetic Island

While in QLD we went to Magnetic Island which was very nice and relaxing and yes the sun did finally come out!

Tropical Nrth QLD holiday?

We went north to escape the cold drizzly dark Sydney winter days and this is what we were greeted with! Records tumbled - coldest day on record, most rain since 1903, fewest sightings of blue sky, highest requirement for jumpers and ugg boots ever!!! And then they are cheeky enough to go and beat us in the state of origin, you've gotta watch those queenslanders!!!

Friday, July 06, 2007

Hanging out with Tim, Katrina and Sally in Townsville

We had a great time hanging out with Tim, Katrina and Sally in Townsille last week. It was fun to have two babies in one house, if not slightly chaotic!! Sally is so lovely, it's sad to think we won't see her again till December. Thanks for having us Tim and Katrina.


Little Sally - isn't she a cutie!!!