Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Friday, June 15, 2007

Another Uncle and Aunty

Finally the missing links have come to town. I meet Uncle Tim the other day, he came to my house, he's cool - Aunty Deb says one day we'll play cricket. I meet Aunty Katrina too (sadly no photographic evidence) and Cousin Sal - i love them. I'm not sure if they play cricket, probably - I'll have to ask Aunty Deb.
Soon we are going to their house for a holiday. (Does anyone else think my head looks a little bald in that last photo?)

Beautiful Sally

Kate and Cal were excited to meet Sally the other day - she is absolutely beautiful!!! Kate is sure she got a smile from Sal and Caleb sussed out his cousin with great intrigue - well actually he seemed to be more interested in staring at the wall and other equally fasinating objects but we interpreted that as a sign of love, not wanting to overwhelm little Sal - playing the cool, calm older cousin role.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Cute boy!!

Jolly Jumper

Cal has a new toy - a jolly jumper, actually i think this one is called a jumping joey! It's actaully not new, Aunty Mel gave it to him before he was born but now he is ready to use it!! He had his first go yesterday and we think he's going to like it. We don't have the right door frames for it to attach to, so it means we have to go outside and use it on the clothesline. That works out well and it is great entertainment for cal while mum is hanging out washing - which seems to happen quite regularly these days!
(Oh if you're a physio reading this please remove the words 'jolly jumper' and insert 'sensible peice of equipment that will encourage correct development' or something like that and then shut your eyes and pretend the photos are of caleb developing great head control during tummy time....)

New Toy

We got a new toy - and no it's not for Caleb. We now have a fancy pants Digital SLR camera so now we just have to learn to use it!! Here are some of our photos....not professional (you feel like you are a professional just holding it and especially the cool clicking noise it makes when it takes a photo) but we are having fun!! Even though Cal can't play with this toy, really if the truth be told, most of out photos will be of him - ahh he really has taken over!!