Friday, April 27, 2007

What's up Duck?

Wagga Holiday

We had a great week in Wagga - relaxing, swimming and helping mum and dad get organised to go to Africa. They are going on monday and will be back in time for Christmas - what a big adventure!!! Please pray for them, we will miss them lots!

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Swimming - by Caleb

I went for a swim in the big pool and i put my head under the water and everything - next time I'm planning on trying butterfly!! Apparently you can't go in these pools in the nuddy, but that's OK because I have these cool swimmers - but mum and dad were worried that they might not contain everything so i had to wear a big white nappy underneath - i hope none of the other kids noticed!! Anyway it turned out well because i did relieve myself in the water (i was having so much fun) but none escaped. I give swimming a big thumbs up!!

Wacky Crazyness

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Camping - Royal National Park

<- Ben & Cal watching the sun go down on a beautiful day \/ - Cal likes to wear his funny little beret especially when its cold
<- here is all of us in our sleeping bags

\/ How's the serenity - good morning World!

<- I'm a happy camper!!!

\/ We had some walks along the beach

<- check out our set-up - thanks to Andy and Kim for the tent

\/ we survived! camping is great fun mum and dad, a little bit cold though...

We had a great time camping in the Royal national park on friday night - it was really relaxing and great to be out of sydney and out in the wild!

Friday, April 13, 2007

The Basin Camping Trip

Deb, Mum & Dad (Grandma & Grandpa), Kate and Caleb went camping at The Basin on monday night. It was a beautiful place, great weather and lots of fun! Someone had so much fun they stayed up all night (keeping their mum up and some surrounding campers)!! Ben, Caleb and Kate are off camping again tonight so we'll see if Caleb can get the sleeping thing right this time!

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Hanging out with Mum and Dad


Here's some friends that we've hung out with lately. We had lunch with Lou Hughes from our church (mum says she's got a person growing in her tummy, sounds weird to me but apparently that means that one day I can be friends with them too and i reckon they'll be pretty fun because they have cool parents), dinner with Mcphails and Andy & Kim, saw Di and my friend Aiden (he's only 5 days younger then me) and we meet Louise and Samuel Blencoe.

Exercise Class

Mum and I went back to those exercise classses, I had my own mat this time so i could wave my hands and legs around too!! Here's a photo of us working out, I actually had fun!!

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

rolling, rolling, rolling

Caleb was so excited when he saw his uncle Sam rolling down the hill - that he wanted to join in!!!

picnic in Kiama

We went on a great picnic to Jones' beach in Kiama while we were staying with mum and dad. It was a beautiful day - Caleb got some good time in the sun and on the grass!

Monday, April 02, 2007


Dapto Weekend with Caleb

This weekend we went to Dapto to hang out with the relos (there are heaps of them down there!) - it was fun! I decided i was ready to grace the world with my smiles and what better place to do that than dapto! Mum and Dad are calling it the happiest weekend of my life. We also caught up with some friends that mum and dad had before i came along - i didn't know they had any friends before me but there you go, you learn something new everyday, and if your my age everything you learn is new. That's why i took a while to smile, there is a lot to figure out about this world and all those funny faces that keep coming right up close and making various noises in my personal space. But so far i think this worlds pretty cool, and that marvelous place called dapto is certainly worth a visit!