Mum hasn't figured out that your actually meant to write stuff on these blog things instead of just posting photos so i guess i'd better give you the low-down on what's going on. Mum and Dad have started calling me fatty - i'm not sure what that means but Mum said that if i keep growing at this rate i won't have to learn to walk i can just roll everywhere (maybe I'll make it to Ayers Rock!!). Apparently i weigh 4.95kg now which everyone seems pleased about, but they think it's funny that i haven't grown much taller, i think i'm 52.5cm now.
Mum and i went to the beach yeterday - we didn't go in the water, but sometime soon Mum is going to take me swimming - it looks like fun and if it's anything like bath time i'm there!
Mum took me to these crazy exercise classes at the hospital - it was a bit scary being in a room filled with other mummies lying on the ground moving their arms and legs around. i joined in a bit but i felt a bit weird because i was the only boy joining in. They say it's good for you but i'm not convinced yet, mum looked tired out. i think we'll go again next week so i'll let you know how it goes...
Hmm not much else to report, mum and dad keep telling me to smile - i do every so often but i'm trying to keep them guessing by following my half smiles with a frown or cry.
Anyway hope you like my photos - they are meant to show how big i'm getting now, i'm almost 7 weeks old. Hi to all those relatives that live in other places that we don't get to see - i miss you all!!!