Tuesday, November 21, 2006


on Sunday 12th Nov a group from Church declared that they follow Jesus and want to commit their rest of their lives to him (Confirmation)!!! We took them through confirmation classes and it was really encouraging to be part of this! It was also great to have Ben's cousin Michael as part of the group...

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Kate's Chaplaincy Group

Kate's chaplaincy group enjoying their end of year breakfast. YUMMY!! Thanks Lesley!
Sorry there aren't photos of everyone, they didn't all turn out.

Rod's project completion

Rod and Phil handing in their projects at least 2 minutes before they were due!!
"This is the first thing I've handed in before time in 4 years!" Rod exclaimed happily

ultrasound pictures

Here are some old ultrasound photos from 21/9/06. Meet our little baby boy!

Monday, November 06, 2006

random pics from around college

Some pics of our friends and the last few days around college this year!

Braga's farewell

yesterday - sun 5th November we farewelled the Braga's from church. Chris, Beth and their family have had a huge impact on Concord Community Anglican over the past 3 years or more and will be greatly missed. Here are some photos of Chris and our friends from Concord from yesterday...