Wednesday, August 30, 2006

dinner with Alex and Alhana Koch


Alex and Alhana invited us round for a yummy dinner. Alex is in our year at college and they go to church at Concord with us!!! Posted by Picasa

Thursday, August 03, 2006


This is us!!!
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Sussex Inlet

These are some pics of our holiday down at Sussex Inlet with Kate, Blair and Deb. It was a rainy cold week but that just meant we did lots of compulsory eating, sleeping and general tomfoolery.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006


This is our bird Herbie!! His favourite hobbies are squawking, biting and generally being a feisty young guy (or maybe girl?) We love him even if he doesn't love us... this unrequited love may have something to do with us getting his gender thoroughly confused... but hey you're a bird, live with it!!
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Tuesday, August 01, 2006